The Begining of The end.

Omoide 2021

March 2016 I got an idea to created this collection, at first we name it "Last Year" which mean the last year me n my jr high friends being together. In that drawing is full of screnerio of our high school that poorly sketch with a freaking half torn HP pencile. Almost all of the drawing show a familiar face and also including myself but most of all it's always THAT person, One time ████ saw my drawing of the stairs infront of our classroom He asked me "How can you draw this in these busiest time of the year??" Which I'm analized it to "This drawing take time how can you draw it in like 2 days?" And that how I got MY model, the word MY make me feel like I own him in the way that nobody can even, I feel bad to call it without his permission at all. But that is the only string that keep me and that person connected (in the way I only understand).
After my first suicide accident (?) Well, not quiet like that but somehow it's like my first thought of ending myself to be correct, January 2018, that damn arts collection is gone. in the box with pretty lace all over. Never been open. Never been found. Hidden in the corner of my wardrobe untill I gradueted from high school. We (I think it's WE) decide to open it, recolleted it redraw it with half of my hand twist(?) u know my finger is misshapen bc I draw too much but that's what I mean, it's hurt but I want to do it and that's how OMOIDE 思い出 reborn.
OMOIDE 思い出。is simply mean "Memories" no other meaning behide it just memories. We choose Japanese bc in jr high me n my friends really into that J-culture stuffs. So this art collection is just my fever dream about all of my jr high friends somehow I think most of it never happend it's just how I always wated to be. at that moment I have to admit that I can't tell the different between my fever dream and reality...the only evidence is just a floder on my old computer, 2017 i suppose...with a bunch of my friends pictures lively I would say but yeah..I used all of that to draw these painting like it my only fuel.
My art change after I witness something.... I would say someone but I'm pretty sure it's NOT human... and that's how I met SF as you know him by the name Stanford, well long stories short I got dianosist 3 years later with schizo umm it's hard to spell so I will leave it here I saw the illusion? Hallutination? some kind of that but more like sleep paralysite demons that's how my doc said! so The SF I saw is just my imagination and I'm not gonna lie He driving me real CRAZY I tried to end myself several time because of HIM hunted me. so I start to draw him and got pull into the slumber of depressed and rage.
For others who wanted to read the original before translated!


**click image for more good looking**

"You will always make me feel like that summer in 2015"


OMOIDE, 2021.

Disclamer here, the boy in every drawing IS NOT THE OG STANFORD please pretend that it's not him, it's just my imagination and illness so please respect the original person he have nothing to do with it i'm just using him for my own pleasure, I deserve dead tread and more I'm the worst human alive...I'm so sorry.

ชาหนอน paddy sea
rebirt staring tipsy
blur fireworks


(This one is tracing art original from MinaHamu on twitter.)

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